Below are some resources to help guide you:
Connect Our Elders believes that simply providing a list of resources is not an adequate way to support elders and their family. So please keep in mind we’re always a phone call away. But we have included a few recommendations below.
Life Stats™ - Because preparation is CARING
Your one stop resource to record and recover all your digital and personal assets.
LifeStats™ is a comprehensive document, proactive planning tool and advanced directive for you and your family. It is essential to capture your personal and digital information before a life event (sickness, accident, or death) occurs. This documentation process provides a quick and easy method to locate and access your data. LifeStats™ helps you to eliminate hunting through drawers, looking in cabinets, rummaging through closets, and trying to remember and locate all of your vital information. Simply fill out the form and save it in a safe place.